Life for Life®

Group Life Insurance through your alma mater can provide the financial protection your family needs. Protect the people you love.

Life for Life means life insurance for your entire lifetime. First, you have term life insurance. Later, when your term life insurance concludes, you can convert to individual permanent life insurance that allows your coverage to continue for as long as you choose.

Highlights of Life for Life include:

  • Lots of choices. Insurance amounts from $100,000 to $2 million.*
  • Attractive premium rates. Lower rates for higher insurance amounts. Click here for 10-Year Term Premiums. Click here for 20-Year Term Premiums.
  • Premiums that start lower. Rates start lower and increase as you enter new age brackets, so you’re not overpaying in early years.
  • Automatic Benefit Increases (ABIs). Your insurance can increase, repeatedly, during the first ten years until age 60,1 even if your health fails and you become uninsurable. This could be the most valuable feature in any life insurance you have. Through ABIs, coverage can double over 10 years (to a maximum of $2 million).
  • No automatic reductions in insurance amount as you get older, but you can decrease coverage with a simple signed request.
  • Lifetime option. Once insured, you can remain insured as long as you want. (See the “How does Life for Life work?” question under the Frequently Asked Question section for details.)
  • How much insurance do I really need? The Collegiate Alumni Life Calculator (CALC) is a confidential online tool to help answer the question.
  • Automatic premium payment option. Directly from your bank account with no surcharge.
  • Legal services for will preparation2 and estate resolution2 for you and your spouse or domestic partner while you are insured at no additional cost to you.

1Subject to the normal activities provision the Certificate of Insurance. See the “When does my insurance begin?” question under the Frequently Asked Questions section for the definition.
2Will Preparation and Estate Resolution Services are offered by MetLife Legal Plans, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. In certain states, legal services benefits are provided through insurance coverage underwritten by Metropolitan General Insurance Company, Warwick, Rhode Island. For New York sitused or principally located cases, the Will Preparation service is an expanded offering that includes office consultations and telephone advice for certain other legal matters beyond Will Preparation. Tax Planning and preparation of Living Trusts are not covered by the Will Preparation Service. Certain services are not covered by Estate Resolution Services, including matters in which there is a conflict of interest between the executor and any beneficiary or heir and the estate; any disputes with the group policyholder, MetLife and/ or any of its affiliates; any disputes involving statutory benefits; will contests or litigation outside probate court; appeals; court costs, filing fees, recording fees, transcripts, witness fees, expenses to a third party, judgments or fines; and frivolous or unethical matters.

*If you seek more than $2,000,000 in coverage, call 800-635-7801, or email

Frequently Asked Questions

Who may apply?

Alumni/ae, students, faculty and staff of sponsoring alumni/ae associations, and their eligible family members (spouses, domestic partners, parents, children, and siblings) may apply—even if you do not. Each must be at least age 18 but under 75 for 10-year term and under 65 for 20-year term, when insurance begins and have a permanent home address in the United States. Coverage is also available for minor children when a parent is insured.*

*In NY, only alumni/ae, their spouses and their domestic partners may apply.

How does Life for Life work?

  1. 10- or 20-Year Period. You may first be insured for 10 or 20 years. Near the end of your initial term, you may request coverage for another 10 or 20 years. To qualify, you submit new evidence of your insurability each time you request a new 10- or 20-Year Period.
    You may apply for this term insurance, 10 or 20 years at a time, until age 65 for 20 year term, or until age 75 for 10 year term, which means that coverage in a final 10 or 20-Year Period may continue until as late as age 85.
  2. Extended Period. If you do not qualify for a new 10- or 20-Year Period, your coverage automatically moves to the Extended Period, regardless of your health. You are guaranteed the right to continue this term insurance until age 75.(See During the Extended PeriodTerm Insurance under the “What are the premiums” question for further details.)
  3. Lifetime Option. When your term insurance concludes at age 75 or later, regardless of your health, you may convert your coverage to permanent insurance.

Note: Many group insurance plans allow several entities to cancel coverage, e.g., employer, association, or insurance company. Your Life for Life coverage cannot be cancelled by anyone except you as long as the Collegiate Alumni Trust continues the policy.

How much insurance is offered?

  • Minimum: $100,000
  • Maximum: $2 million (in $1,000 increments)(For lower or higher amounts, call about other plans)
  • Minor children: $10,000 per child

How can my insurance be increased?

You have two options:

Automatic Benefit Increases
ABI’s set this plan apart and are reason alone to apply. Chances are you will not find ABIs in other group or individual policies.

During each of the first 10 years, your insurance amount can automatically increase by 10% to help meet mounting needs. That allows your initial coverage to double gradually over 10 years, subject to the plan maximum of $2 million…even if your health deteriorates.

To receive each increase, you must be under age 60 and able to perform normal activities as defined in your Certificate of Insurance. There is no extra paperwork, as you need not reapply or requalify. Your total premium increases annually to reflect your increased insurance. You may decline ABIs at any time, but once declined, they cannot be resumed.

Requesting an increase.

If Automatic Benefit Increases do not provide enough total coverage to meet your needs, you may apply for more insurance at any time, subject to the $2 million plan maximum.

How can my insurance be reduced?

You may reduce your insurance through a simple signed request. Your coverage and premium are then adjusted. While you receive no further Automatic Benefit increases, other aspects of your coverage remain unchanged.

Your insurance is not reduced simply because you get older. That way you maintain control of your coverage amount.

What is a "Living Benefit"?

A Living Benefit enables an insured person who is diagnosed with a terminal illness, and has a life expectancy of 24 months or less, to request that up to 80% of the insurance amount be paid while he or she is still living (minimum $10,000; maximum $1 million). The remainder continues as life insurance, for which a reduced premium is payable.

A Living Benefit payment is not taxable under current U.S. federal law. However, receipt of Living Benefits (technically “Accelerated Death Benefits”) may affect eligibility for public assistance programs. Consult an advisor for your own situation. 1

1The ABO benefits are intended to qualify for favorable federal tax treatment, in which case the benefits will not be subject to federal taxation. This information was written as a supplement to the marketing of life insurance products. Tax laws relating to accelerated benefits are complex and limitations may apply. You are advised to consult with and rely on an independent tax advisor about your own particular circumstances. Receipt of ABO benefits may affect your eligibility, or that of your spouse or your family, for public assistance programs such as medical assistance (Medicaid), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Supplementary Social Security Income (SSI) and drug assistance programs. You are advised to consult with social service agencies concerning the effect that receipt of ABO benefits will have on public assistance eligibility for you, your spouse or your family.

What is not covered?

Death by suicide within the first two years is the only exclusion.

What are the premiums?

During a 10- or 20-Year Period — Term Insurance. Your premium is based on your sex, and your age and health when coverage begins, and it increases each time you enter a new five-year age bracket. Lower rates apply to higher insurance amounts. Slightly higher rates apply to Automatic Benefit Increases.

Unlike other 10-or 20-year term insurance, these premiums are not level for 10 or 20 years. Instead, premiums start lower and increase as you enter new five-year age brackets, providing you with more flexibility.

For example, if you keep your coverage for 10 or 20 years, your total premium may end up being about the same as if your premium had been level. Yes, your premium increases when you enter a new age bracket, but you may still end up paying less if you decide to reduce or end your coverage before your 10- or 20-Year Period is over.

Imagine you no longer need coverage after six years. In that case, you would most likely have paid less total premium than for similar insurance whose premium remains level for all 10 or 20 years.

Historically, most applicants have qualified for Preferred Plus or Preferred (both for nonsmokers only), or Preferred Smoker or Standard Smoker, depending on the underwriting standards they meet. Other premiums are available for nonsmokers who don’t meet the standards for Preferred Plus or Preferred premiums. You qualify as a nonsmoker is you have not used tobacco or nicotine in the last five years. Click here for a premium quote.

During the Extended Period — Term Insurance. Your premium is first determined by your sex and your age when you enter the Extended Period, and then it increases annually. These premiums are higher, sometimes notably so, than if you were insured for another 10-or 20-year period, but the mere availability of Extended-Period coverage can provide desirable protection, as it is available even if you have become uninsurable.

During the Lifetime Option — Permanent Insurance. Your premium is based on your age and risk class when you convert.

Premium rates for term insurance under this plan are subject to change by the insurer, but only for everyone of the same age, gender, and premium class. Once term insurance ends, if you decide to purchase permanent insurance, your premium for permanent insurance is guaranteed not to increase for the rest of your life.

What is the difference between Preferred Plus and Preferred rates?

Most Life for Life approvals are for Preferred Plus rates, which are the lowest. A Preferred Plus rating is typically assigned if you are in excellent health with a normal height-to-weight ratio, and have a favorable personal health and family history.

Preferred rates are also associated with very good health, but certain factors indicate you pose a slightly higher risk than someone who qualifies for Preferred Plus rates.

How do I apply?

Request a free quote or go to the Resources tab to download a paper application for yourself or a family member.

Select your beneficiary. You may choose more than one, and you may name your alma mater if you wish.

Submit your application online or by mail.

Send no money now. After your application is approved and you pay your first premium, you receive a Certificate with the details of your coverage. If you are not fully satisfied, simply return your Certificate within 30 days for a full refund.

How is my application evaluated?

Acceptance is based on your current health, your health history, and other information you provide.4

You are asked to provide blood and urine samples to a medical professional who visits at your convenience, by appointment, usually at your home or business—at no cost to you. If you prefer, you may provide these samples at a laboratory. If more medical information is needed, it is requested from you or your medical providers.

4 All applications for coverage are subject to review and approval by MetLife. If you choose to apply for increased coverage, the increase may be subject to underwriting. MetLife will review your information and evaluate your request for coverage based upon your answers to the health questions, MetLife’s underwriting rules and other information you authorize us to review. In certain cases, MetLife may request additional information to evaluate your request for coverage. Coverage will be effective in accordance with the applicable policy and certificate after approval by MetLife. Only applicants who reside in a US state, the District of Columbia, or Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico or US Virgin Islands are allowed to complete their SOH form online (where available). Otherwise, applicants will be provided with a paper SOH form. Individuals residing outside of the US or in certain US territories must be on US payroll and be approved by MetLife before being provided with an SOH form.

When does my insurance begin?

Initial coverage (and any increases) usually begin on the day your application is approved if you are able to perform normal activities and the required premium is paid. However, after you receive approval, you may request a different effective date.

“Normal activities” means (a) able to perform the normal activities of a person of like age, sex, and occupation or retired status and (b) not confined (in a hospital or at home) under a physician’s care for any medical reason on the scheduled effective coverage date.

What are my payment options?

Semiannual by check. Semiannual premiums are six times monthly premiums. A fee of $8, subject to change, is added to each bill.

Monthly automatic withdrawal from your bank. You do not write checks or worry about paying late. There is no processing fee for this convenience.

To continue insurance, premiums must be paid on time. Therefore, monthly automatic withdrawal is recommended.

What is the Collegiate Alumni Trust (and why must I subscribe to apply for this group Life insurance)?

We offer insurance to members of many associations through a Multi-Association Trust called the Collegiate Alumni Trust.  By combining many alumni groups into one big group, products with special features and pricing can be offered to the group as a whole.  To be eligible to purchase those products, you must “opt in” to the group by subscribing to the Collegiate Alumni Trust, which is free.

Legal Services

Two legal services are available, at no additional cost to you, with your Life for Life insurance when you use one of MetLife Legal Plans’ 18,500+ participating attorneys.

Will Preparation while you are insured.5 You, as well as your spouse or domestic partner, may have these documents prepared and updated:

  • Wills and testamentary trusts, including complex wills
  • Living wills
  • Powers of attorney
  • Codicils

Legal Assistance to your estate if you die while insured.5 This is for your beneficiaries and executor in settling your will and estate so that your probate assets can be transferred to your heirs. Services include:

  • Probate help to manage the legal process of paying your bills and completing your affairs
  • Preparation of documents and representation at court proceedings
  • Completion of forms and correspondence for transferring non-probate assets, such as proceeds from insurance policies, joint bank and stock accounts, and a residence
  • Associated tax filings

Legal Assistance services are also available to the estate of your spouse or domestic partner if he or she dies while you are insured.

Participating Attorney. All eligible legal fees are covered in full when you use a participating attorney. You have no claim form to complete, and your attorney handles the paperwork. For services not covered by this plan, the attorney quotes legal fees in advance.

Non-participating Attorney. If you use a non-participating attorney, you submit a claim form and receive reimbursement for covered services according to a fee schedule. You are responsible for any attorney’s fees that exceed your reimbursed amount.

Exclusions include tax planning; some conflict-of-interest matters; certain disputes and contests; appeals; expenditures such as court costs, filing and witness fees, judgments, and fines; and frivolous and unethical matters.

These legal services are arranged and administered by MetLife Legal Plans. To ask questions or to access these services, contact MetLife Legal Plans directly at 800-821-6400 Weekdays 8:00am – 8:00pm ET.

5Will preparation and MetLife Estate Resolution Services are offered by MetLife Legal Plans, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. In certain states, legal services benefits are provided through insurance coverage underwritten by Metropolitan General Insurance Company, Warwick, Rhode Island. For New York-sitused cases, the will preparation service is an expanded offering that includes office consultations and telephone advice for certain other legal matters beyond will preparation. Tax planning and preparation of living trusts are not covered by the will preparation service. Certain services are not covered by estate resolution services, including matters in which there is a conflict of interest between the executor and any beneficiary or heir and the estate; any disputes with the group policyholder, MetLife and/or any of its affiliates; any disputes involving statutory benefits; will contests or litigation outside probate court; appeals; court costs, filing fees, recording fees, transcripts, witness fees, expenses to a third party, judgments or fines; and frivolous or unethical matters.


Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife) and its affiliates offer a full range of insurance and other financial products and services. We continue to have the privilege of providing financial products and services to 96 of the top FORTUNE 500 ® companies.1

Meyer and Associates is proud to offer life insurance products underwritten by MetLife, a name alumni can trust. For information on MetLife’s financial strength, click here to leave this site and visit MetLife’s.

1FORTUNE 500® data reflects 2020 business which includes Metlife Auto & Home®, now acquired by The Farmers Insurance Group.®

This summary of Life for Life highlights its major features. Like most insurance policies, this one contains exclusions, limitations, wait times, reductions, and terms for keeping them in force. Complete terms are governed by the group policy #156129, issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY 10166 to Collegiate Alumni Trust II. Details of policy provisions are in the Certificate provided to each insured person.

L0724042180[exp0826][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC

MIB Pre Notice

Information regarding your insurability will be treated as confidential. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”) or its reinsurers may, however, make a brief report thereon to MIB, Inc., a not-for-profit membership organization of insurance companies, which operates an information exchange on behalf of its Members. If you apply to another MIB Member company for life or health insurance coverage, or a claim for benefits is submitted to such a company. MIB, upon request, will supply such company with the information in its file.

Upon receipt of the request from you, MIB will arrange disclosure of any information it may have in your file. Please contact MIB at 866-692-6901. If you question the accuracy of information in MIB’s file, you may contact MIB and seek a correction in accordance with the procedures set forth in the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. The address of MIB’s information office is 50 Braintree Hill Park, Suite 400 Braintree, MA 02184-8734.

MetLife, or its reinsurers, may also release information in its file to other insurance companies to whom you may apply for life or health insurance, or to whom a claim for benefits may be submitted. Information for consumers about MIB may be obtained on its website at


If you need a quote or an application or simply have questions, call 973-635-9750, or email Trained customer service representatives will be happy to provide the information you need. And naturally you’ll be under no obligation.

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